Persische Instrumenten

Here you will find information about Persische Instrumenten . For further questions we are happy to help.
Santur - Santoor - Santur - Santoor - Setar. sitar -
Persische Tar Tar  (Iranian) long-necked lute
Kamancheh,Kamanche,Kamancha -Daf Erbane -(Persische)
Tombak,Tonbak,Donbak - Tanbour,Tanbur,Tanboor,Tambour
Daf Erbane
NO  Body Diameter Height Skin Skin- Codes
NO 1 Tree 54 cm 5 cm Bild STC 5233
 Softbag (Softtasche) 
99,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Daf Erbane
NO  Body Diameter Height Skin Skin- Codes
NO 1 Tree 54 cm 5 cm Bild STC 5235
 Softbag (Softtasche) 
89,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Daf Erbane
NO  Body Diameter Height Skin Skin- Codes
NO 1 Tree 54 cm 5 cm Bild STC 5236
 Softbag (Softtasche) 
129,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Daf Erbane
NO  Body Diameter Height Skin Skin- Codes
NO 1 Tree 54 cm 5 cm Bild STC 5237
 Softbag (Softtasche) 
129,00 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
17 to 24 (from a total of 115)
Santur - Santoor - Santur - Santoor - Setar. sitar -
Persische Tar Tar (Iranian) long-necked lute
Kamancheh,Kamanche,Kamancha -Daf Erbane -(Persische)
Tombak,Tonbak,Donbak - Tanbour,Tanbur,Tanboor,Tambour